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Friday, March 4, 2011

by Alyson Noel

Summary: Since the car accident that claimed the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see auras and hear people's thoughts, and she goes out of her way to hide from other people until she meets Damen, another psychic teenager who is hiding even more mysteries.

I love this book! This book would be great for fans of Twilight, especially if they enjoyed the strange romance aspect of Twilight. Unlike the lead girl in Twilight, Ever has a supernatural aspect to her as well, and I feel is a better character.

What kind of ending without completely giving it away:

At times this book is sad. Ever is the narrator and tells what she is thinking about including her family’s death and life. I thought I knew exactly where the book was heading but I was pleasantly surprised that I was wrong. The story reminds me of my Romantic Era Music class and the operas we watched. It is very romantic, but not in the candle lit dinner type of way. However, the ending is neither depressing nor a Disney fairy tale “happily ever after” ending either. It’s the kind of ending I like to call “Life’s hard, but we are trying”.

Reading Level: YA
Interest Level: YA

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