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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Librarianjk recommends Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are
by Maurice Sendak

Summary: A boy creates trouble and is set to bed without dinner. His room grows ito a forest where he meets wild things.

This book is one of my favorite picture books. Everyone knows or is a wild thing like Max. I was very unhappy with the direction the movie took. The book is much more light-hearted and I never had the impression that Max was an emotionally troubled boy. I feel the book would be great to discuss that there is a time and a place for wild play and that you can always be wild in your imagination. I think the most important part is after traveling for what we are told is a long time, Max comes home and his dinner is still waiting for him and it is hot. His mother still cares about him.

Interest Level: grades K-3
Reading Level: grade 3

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