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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Always Room for One More
by Sorche Nic Leodhas

Summary: In this Scottish folk song, a generous family always has room for another person and invites in everyone who passes by

This book won the Caldecott Award (a prestigious American Library Association award) in 1966. The illustrations are wonderful, though simple, black and white figures with splashes of color. Considering this book is an old song from Scotland, it is appropriate to use this book for this summer’s national reading theme, “One World, Many Stories.” I would use it during storytimes only if I could sing the song with the melody provided at the end of the book. The author notes after the story that he changed lyrics in the song to make it more understandable to American children. However, a few Scottish words were left in because he felt they sounded better. He provides a short glossary of these words. I would sing the song, go over the words, and then have the children sing with me.

Interest Level: grades K-3
Reading Level: grade 4

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