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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Hole in the Middle
by Paul Budnitz

Summary: Morgan was born with a big hole through his middle that gives him a strange, empty feeling all of the time, but when his good friend Yumi becomes ill, he finds that helping her makes him feel whole.

This is a little too strange for my taste. I did not especially like that Morgan did not feel full trying everyday activities but only with his friend. The author may have intended for this to represent helping others, but it is unclear, and the boy seems a little co-dependent. Still, the idea of not being able to fill a hole inside of oneself with food is worth discussing. The hole in Morgan’s stomach is clearly a metaphor for emotional emptiness. One could use this to discuss finding satisfaction in life and that emotional eating will not solve problems.

Interest Level: ages 2-grade 3
Reading Level: grade 2

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