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Friday, December 16, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Summary: Two children in a small southern town in the l930s are thrust into an adult world of racial bigotry and hatred when their lawyer father chooses to defend a black man charged with raping a white girl.

This book is one of the most frequently banned books of the 20th century; therefore, it is an excellent book. There is mature content and the story allows for much discussion. However, I do not think it is inappropriate for a secondary education student to read.  I read this story for pleasure in tenth grade. I was very sensitive at that age in comparison to my classmates, but thoroughly enjoyed this book. Honestly, I found other books we discussed in my English class that year much more disturbing. I recommend this story to anyone interested in reading classic literature or understanding the time period in which the book takes place.

Interest Level: young adult
Reading Level: young adult

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