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Sunday, January 15, 2012

What Animals Really Like: A New Song Composed and Conducted by Mr. Herbert
by Fiona Robinson

Summary: When the National Animal Chorus gathers to perform the immortal works of Mr. Herbert Timberteeth, the performance doesn't go exactly as planned due to certain preconceived notions of what animals like to do.

This is a silly and humorous tale that could be used to discuss a serious subject matter, stereotyping. The message is that people do not always like what you think they would like. The book has “song lyrics” amongst the text, but does not provide a melody. Nevertheless, a reader could read this book aloud in a sing-song voice or create a melody. This story could be made into a very interactive read aloud by asking children questions throughout the book, such as, “What do you think these animals like?” A great follow-up activity is to ask children to imagine what other animals not mentioned in the story may like. They may use their imaginations to draw a picture and or write about animals’ talents.

Interest Level: age 2-grade 3
Reading Level: grade 2

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